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Nedžad Korajlić, PhD
Dean of Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, Sarajevo

Dear participants of the International Summer School – Management in Conditions of Migration Crises,

As dean of the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies of the University in Sarajevo, I want to express my pride and satisfaction regarding realization of the International Summer School – Management in Conditions of Migration Crises. This international project of acyclic education is being conducted in full partnership with the Faculty of Philosophy of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, and the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica from Croatia.

Several years ago the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies of the University in Sarajevo recognized the importance of lifelong education in the fields of criminal justice, criminology and security, and since 2015 continuously conducts lifelong education programs through acyclic academic programs directed primarily towards strengthening of competences and necessary skills of students and professionals from the security sector.

After a series of successful summer and winter schools conducted throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, this summer, in June of 2018, we are moving outside the borders of our country, and we are going to perform our next Summer School in Skopje and Gevgelija, Macedonia. This regional academic program will round up students and professionals, whose interests include security in all of its forms. We expect students and practitioners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Kosovo and other regional countries, and we hope that, through this program, they will significantly increase the capacity of their existing skills and competences regarding the activities during crises caused by migrations.

Our goal is to connect and train a significant group of young people from Western Balkans, who will be able and know how to apply acquired competences in future regarding effective and efficient activities during migrant crises, in hope to strengthen the Western Balkans countries in terms of solving new crises. I could say that we have another goal, and that is to generate a new generation of professionals who will, through country institutions they represent, especially by using their personal contacts, make a significant cohesive factor in the region when talking about effective activities, not only in migration crises, but in events of all crises which could befall the region.

A possible migration crisis, as well as other caused by socio-political circumstances or natural disasters do not know regional borders or their political systems, economic power and the ability to manage emergency situations. Crises simply happen, are harmful and oblige all authorities to put their human and material resources into the function of management, protection and rescue. The goal is to bring the Summer School students closer to master the basics and develop their knowledge in the area of management during migration crises. Continuous training, education, organization and preparation for action in various scenarios is essential to our students, as well as all other interested individuals, even if they are not a part of the system. 


Eminent lecturers from the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies of the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica from Croatia, as well as different experts from Macedonia and Croatia will transfer their knowledge and experience to the program participants, and I believe that this six-day International Summer School is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills, the exchange of experience, gain new acquaintances and develop regional cooperation.

The Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies is proud because this programme, which was created by our professors, is realized as an international academic one outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, and because our international partners recognized its quality and the need to carry it out. Regional cooperation with the most respected higher education institutions from the Western Balkans is the best way for further development and promotion of academic, perceptorial and scientific capacities of the University of Sarajevo. The Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies continues to spread the idea of international cooperation, academic linkage, and continuous joining of young people from the Western Balkans region. I am happy because more and more of us are going this way, and I am looking forward to us gathering in Skopje this summer.

Ratko Duev, PhD 
Dean of Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

Dear participants of the International Summer School – Management in Conditions of Migration Crises,

Since the foundation of the Faculty of Philosophy almost a century passed. The complex processes the human being went through in the past demand a continuous spread of knowledge to understand the development and appearance of „new societies “ it faces today, but also the development of new learning and knowledge exchanging forms in the process of lifelong education. Therefore, I believe that the International Summer School programme, which will be conducted in cooperation with the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies from Sarajevo and the University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica from Croatia, gives a great opportunity to gain new knowledge about the current and important issue.

This Summer School offers the possibility to attend theoretical, as well as practical lectures and exercises held by experts from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia about geopolitics and demography of the current migration crisis, how to manage such situations, how crisis management services work and their coordination, what are the mechanisms to protect the integrity of refugees and migrants and how to provide help to them in events of new crises. Along with everything mentioned, participants of this Summer School will get the chance to acquire knowledges from field interventions and camp management on the example of transitional refugee centres in Macedonia.

The goal of this Summer School is to, among gaining new knowledge, encourage the interest between different professionals from the region and Europe with the goal to strengthen the human resources capacity from regional countries to solve possible migration crises. It is important to mention that the program introduces experts from different areas who participated and contributed in solving the migration crisis in Macedonia during 2015. Even though the migration route was completely closed in 2016, daily illegal migration in Macedonia, and the risk of radicalisation and terrorism from the region reappearing, as well as the public health risk, failure to solve global causes for migrant crises, prove the need for summer schools that offer improvement for specific skills significant for prevention and solution of crisis situations.

I am especially glad because many institutions and organizations showed interest and recognized the importance of this project. Anyhow, I am very thankful for the support and ideas of our partners, our colleagues from the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies from Sarajevo. The International Summer School „Management in Conditions of Migration Crises“ programme will be conducted in cooperation with the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia, National Committee for Integrated Border Management, Protection and Rescue Directorate Macedonia, Crisis Management Centre Macedonia, IOM, UNICEF and Red Cross. A great number of interested participants from the region is the evidence for the feasibility of the program, whereby we will strive to promote and develop ourselves year after year with the intent to increase our international character and reputation.

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