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Nedžad Korajlić, PhD
Dean of Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, Sarajevo

Dear participants of "International Summer School - Risk Prevention in Urban Environment",

As Dean of the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo, I am extremely proud and happy to launch the program "International Summer School - Risk Prevention in Urban Environment". This international project of non-cyclical form of education is realized for the second time in full partnership with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" from Skopje.

The Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo, has recognized the importance of lifelong learning in the field of criminal justice, criminology and security a few years ago and has been continuously implementing lifelong education programs through non-cyclical academic programs focusing primarily on strengthening competencies and the skills required of its students as well as security professionals.

This summer, we gather in Sarajevo, at the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, with the aim of improving our existing knowledge and building new ones in the field of risk prevention in urban environment. The world has long been in the urban sphere, in the broadest and fastest urbanization process, in the dynamics and scope that have not been recognized in our past history. Urban environments occupy the central place of the development of civilization, in the time and space in which we live, and will undoubtedly shape our closer and further future.

Security, as a challenge of extreme importance, is certainly present in the development, expansion and sustainability of each city center, especially in the specific and complex circumstances of the development and functioning of urban environments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and, equally, city centers in the region. After all painful and traumatic war experiences, unprecedented destruction and urbicide, bosnian towns are still in a demanding and complex transition process, on specific political conditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and their life is further aggravated by social breaks and turbulent events. Nevertheless, our population expects from the urban areas to be the drivers of economic, social, cultural, ecological and other developmental aspects of society, with all the limitations that are reflected in the existing insufficient infrastructure, poor systemic functioning, poor budgets, local, as well as at higher levels of government, and in particular, with marked economic and other development disparities in different urban environments.

However, for the citizens of urban environments, safety is one of the first demands. There is a wide range of vulnerabilities in urban areas: residents, public and private property, infrastructure, environment, cultural and historical heritage, natural and economic assets, and a growing number of security risks in urban areas: terrorism, vandalism, traffic, numerous forms of criminal and misdemeanor activities, natural disasters and various crisis situations.

Today's urban patterns are a powerful security challenge and our intentions are to exchange and advance knowledge and experience on this International Summer School as well as dilemmas and issues related to the security risks of urban environments, with the desire to give our modest contribution to the common goal of establishing a greater degree security in the wider community, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the countries of the region.

We intend to link and train a significant group of young people from the Western Balkans, who will be able to apply competencies in the field of risk prevention in urban areas in the future in order to strengthen the capacities of the Western Balkans in solving the emerging crisis situations. Like many times before, I reiterate that our intent is to create a whole new generation of prospective professionals who, through the institutions of the countries they come from, and in particular using their personal contacts and cooperation, seem a significant cohesive factor in the Region for effective action, not only in crisis in urban environments, but in all crisis situations that may affect the Region.

The distinguished lecturers of the Faculty for Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, University „Ss. Cyril and Methodius" from Skopje, many other faculties of the University of Sarajevo as well as various practitioners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Croatia, will share their rich knowledge and experience with the participants of this program, and I think that the five-day International Summer School is a great opportunity, both for acquiring new knowledge and skills, as well as for exchanging experiences, and certainly for new acquaintances and enhancing cooperation in the Region.

The Faculty for Criminal Justiice, Criminology and Security Studies continues to spread the idea of interregional cooperation, academic connectivity and continuous joining of young people in the Western Balkans region, and we look forward to welcoming you in Sarajevo!

Ratko Duev, PhD 
Dean of Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje

Dear participants in the International Summer School „Risk prevention in urban environments“

The summer school offers theoretical, as well as practical classes, exercises held by experts.

The complex processes that humanity presently faces require perpetual expansion of knowledge in order to understand the development and the phenomena of “the new society” which people face today. And yet also, they have a need for developing some new forms of knowledge transfer and exchange in the process of continual education. This is why I gather that the International summer school “Risk prevention in urban environments” programme, which is organized by the Faculty of Philosophy together with the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies in Sarajevo, offers you a great opportunity to acquire new knowledge in this relevant and important subject.  of the programme, which we are going to develop and upgrade on an annual basis, improving its international character and reputation.

North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, on subjects ranging from the challenges that “The new urban environments” bring concerning the security of the citizens that the continual population growth is going to bring in the larger cities, problems with urban planning, spread of city infrastructure, arrival of migrants in critical areas, crime growth, introducing new energy sources, acquiring knowledge on how to overcome problems that city administrations, security sector
formand institutions face. 

The goal of this summer school, through an interdisciplinary approach, besides widening the participants’ knowledge in some areas, is to inspire interest in different kinds of professionals from this region, as well as Europe, in order to enforce the capacities and human resources in every country so as to prevent the risks that the improvement of civic live faces.

What gives
memost joy is that many institutions and organizations were interested in this project and understood its importance. I must, nevertheless, mention the support and ideas coming from our partner, the colleagues from the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies in Sarajevo. The large
number of participants coming from this entire region underlines the need

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